Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The "Whatever Man"

This guy made my day. Actually he made my week and maybe even my month with his antics. After this happened to me I spent the rest of the day laughing and I had a permanent smile on my face.
So the story is, we're out shopping and when we were leaving I'm getting ready to make a left out onto the side street from the parking lot. I stop and look, nobody coming from the left..... and to the right is a SUV coming down the hill at about 60+ mph (average speed for a residential neighborhood in LA)so I figure he must be going down to the light at the intersection which was to my left, same way I was going. So, I look left again, still no body coming, in my mind I figured that by now the SUV on my right should be about passing me so as I looked right again and started to creep out a little, in anticipation of his passing, to my surprise he's flying into the driveway right in front of me, nearly on two wheels barreling into the parking lot. In my surprise I said "What No Turn Signal?" and as he passed us into the parking lot he hangs out his window with one hand in the air, his truck going airborne off the driveway bump and says "Whatever Man!" .. as his head and arm bobbed back & forth from the jump he looked like a rodeo bull rider .... needless to say I couldn't respond, I was a gasp. What kind of response do you come back with, when your presented with the infamous "Whatever Man" from a flying lunatic jumping his truck at 60 mph on two wheels hanging out his window? Logically, there is none. So actually it was a great day and even a great week after that. I've found that if there's anything to just give any situation a resolution, just give it a Whatever Man! and move on with your day with a smile.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The New "Move Over Law"

Well folks there's a new law on the books that can get you a hefty fine for not moving over to the left if you approach an emergency vehicle, and if you can't move over, then you slow down to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. Gee what happens if your in a 15 mph zone? Do I back up at 5 mph? Or if I'm in a 5 mph zone do I back up at 15 mph? I didn't think too much math was ever required for driving until now. Is the required speed exponential? Say I'm driving in a 5 mph zone I see a cop up ahead, I proceed to go backwards at 15 mph, I see another cop coming up behind me so then do I proceed forward again at 5 mph? I think then I would end up getting a ticket for not going 15 mph backwards. Perhaps I should abandon my car and walk. But do I walk on the left side or the right side and how fast must I walk? What if I'm in a hurry now because I've been going forwards and backwards all morning and now I must run to keep my appointment? Perhaps I need to stay in bed. I'm tired from all the running anyway.